Friday, May 2, 2008

Thinfast celebrates weight loss as die regaling of of kind its material Slim(SM) way Show opening Women

ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, new jersey, January. 03, 2008 /PRNewswire over COMTEX/ — one year of authorizing kulminierend, women, to find ‘ their thin ‘ and supporting the idea that Self esteem in the kind always should be, thin Fast(R) steps away from the new year with the kind its Slim(SM) way Show in Los Angeles, approx., on January 8. Kind its Slim(SM) will feature 10 weight loss success stories in career show basic Designs by Chloe Dao, the season two winners of the project career, in a celebration of the attitude and obtaining the realistic weight loss goals and body diversity. Rachel more Hunter, which is with thin Fast(R) more earlier this year partnered, in order to help, new “discovery of the mark to discharge your thin” campaign, regaled that case more Hunter, herself, die thin Fast(R) story success and an advocate for this campaign, because from the positive announcement it to women everywhere, around which sends to find weight, which are right for it. Way show steps also from a new partnership between thin Fast(R) and AOL, which prominent interacting Diensterbringer worlds to discharge a challenge 12 week for stimuli the women, in order to find die size, the die for it is right. Thin Fast(R) asks consumers to join the Rachel more Hunter in the kind over for its Slim(SM) challenge on By above signing for die challenge to lose, to zerstoesst 24 in 12 weeks, user preserve obtain personifizierte meal plans and their make accessible weight loss get ahead, the receive kind and way rewards and the points on learning style for it body and more enter in lotterien win red kind of carpet and Weisegetaway, all free of charge registered Diaetetikern, track, die. Way Show celebrations material a free Women Position on the expenditure of body image and contains way into die philosophy of the authorization, by marking and supporting Designs, die body diversity celebrates with material weight loss Success as diet and price show, which seasons begin, the thin Fast(R), takes. In the preparation for die kind your Slim(SM) has way Show, thinfast 10 women preselected, whom believe they are a good representation of the daily Mrs. that of America, to to go die career Die kind your Slim(SM) way Show promotes Dress for Success, a non-profit organization, support supplies and career development tools for disadvantaged women. From Birmingham Alabama women to haven country, Oregon, this come from all districts and from everyone more corner the country. Some of them upward die have, They chosen from 200 zerstoesst lost, while other 10. lost, because they die ‘ discovery your thin ‘ philosophy of obtaining the realistic and healthy weight loss represent, and were feeling well over weight, which is right for each of their bodies. Each woman is flown to Los Angeles and fit to kind and way Design by Chloe Dao herself. They for down die career prepared and supports die announcement, die way and kind will go into all body to forms to be contained to be able and sizes of stylists Noted, Tim Gunn, is a special guest and is helping women keeps career ready. During die conception societys in thin models begins to change - thin Fast(R) has chosen, in order to be in foremost turn this the cultural shift as a discharging of the discovery, die your thin of view in announcing and in public the relations efforts shows Die kind its Slim(SM) way Show is a continuation of the thinfast efforts to send die announcement to women that it weight keins ideal or gives size, die everyone corresponds, and that individual everyone weight it own personal a loss goal adjust should, which is realistic and attainable. On is not only with difficulty and supporting die mark women to obtain in order to obtain healthy weight loss goals, but die valuable points also offering to help to it their goals apart from styling points for different body forms and sizes of the experts around to help women beautiful and convinced feeling during they’re conclusion weight. Is iconic weight loss burns thin Fast(R), which diet survived three decades of Fads and tricks has. Kw_company die meal re-installation category caused, and is by die low carb and liquid protein diet verruecktheiten of the past remained successful. The thinfast plan becomes part and calorie control in using the satisfaction, into which nutrient densities meals are grounded and in the lunches, die with healthy food elections and offers proven are combined success by a balanced approximation to die gradual, supported weight loss. Over thinfast food Company thinfast, business unit the orientation lever, offers a proven and an effective way to lose weight, which closes koestliches and weight loss shakes nourish-balanced, meal staffs and partialcontrolled lunches, meal Kw_planning and seeking out tools, physical activity suggestions and expert opinions and support. There are more over 35 published clinical studies, which prove the fact that after the thinfast (R) plan promotes effective weight loss and weight maintenance weight loss improve preserves, which, die health dangers connected with its overweight Die thinfast product to line close an affordable distance of the vibrations, die propellants, die Meal staffs and die high-speed lunches are in, die retail businesses in generally Visit slim or in call 1,800 SLIMFAST to more information present. Over orientation lever orientation lever ( NYSE: UL, UN), one of manufacturer of consumer good worlds largest, goals, of adding to of of Vitalitaet the life by fulfilling the daily needs to nutrition, hygiene and personal Obacht. Consumers 160 million decisions meet each day, in order world, in order to buy orientation lever products. Kw_company a briefcase of the marks, die people good, let feel well look and more out the life to receive. Into United States this recognized marks include names how: Hew, “all,” Ben and Jerrys, Bertolli, Breyers, Liebkosung, land pot, Degree, personal Obachtprodukte of the pigeon, light man, Knorr, Lipton, Popsicle, promise, q-points, Skippy, the thinfast, Snuggle, polite, Sunsilk and vaseline. All preceding label names are registered registered trade marks of the group of orientation levers of the companies. Inaugurated and die communities, in those phases the we, work and the play, orientation lever into States United, sets people approximately 13,000 for casing consumers in more office than 60 and manufacturing places of assembly in 24 states and Puerto the Rico - producing nearly $10 billion in the sales 2006. To more information visit Sourcethinfaster http://www.slim copyright  © photo receptor 2008 Newswire. All rights reserve


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