Detox diets needn’t leave you feeling famished and tired. Try this realistic one-week detox diet meal plan to cleanse your system and improve your well-being. Begin your day with half a lemon squeezed into hot water, caffeine-free tea or fruit juice, then incorporate the following nutritionally-balanced meal plans to keep you functioning at your best while you flush out the toxins from your body naturally. Flush out toxins and rid water retention with this one-week detox menu! Day 1Breakfast: Sandwich, ham and lettuce on wholemeal bread, and 1 glass of soya milk. Lunch: Fish noodle soup and 1 wedge of papaya. Snack: 1 cup of apple chips. Dinner: Curried mixed vegetables, stir-fried garlic wholegrain rice and 1 kiwi fruit. Day 2Breakfast: Tuna spread on rye toast and 1 glass of carrot juice. Lunch: Chicken porridge and half a mango. Snack: 100g bar dark chocolate. Dinner: Baked salmon, fresh vegetable salad with low-fat mayonnaise and corn soup. Day 3Breakfast: Oats and muesli with low-fat yogurt and strawberries. Lunch: Skinless chicken, celery, 1 bowl of steamed rice. Snack: Handful of dried cranberries. Dinner: Spaghetti with meat sauce and boiled broccoli. Day 4Breakfast: Home-made smoothie, blended using soya milk and banana. Lunch: Egg salad sandwich on wholemeal bread and 1 wedge of pineapple. Snack: 3 pieces of plain digestive biscuits. Dinner: Grilledchicken, beanandpasta salad and 1 glass of orange juice. Day 5Breakfast: Low-fat peanut butter on oat crackers and half a grapefruit. Lunch: Stir-fried prawn noodles and 1 slice of watermelon. Snack: 1 cup of low-fat frozen yogurt. Dinner: Turkey, sliced tomatoes and lettuce on wholegrain bread. Day 6Breakfast: Omelette with bacon bits and diced spring onion, and 1 glass of tomato juice. Lunch: Stir-fried fish in sweet and sour sauce, 1 bowl of steamed rice. Snack: Handful of unsalted almonds. Dinner: Tuna and buckwheat pasta, 1 bowl of miso soup and 1 kiwi fruit. Day 7Breakfast: Wholemeal toast and 1 cup of low-fat yogurt. Lunch: Chickenfingersandfreshfruitsalad sprinkled with finelychopped nuts. Snack: 4 pieces of wholemeal crackers. Dinner: Seafood pasta and 1 apple. I’m a vegetarian so I cannot try this so you please try this and leave your comment if it worked for you if you are a non-vegetarian. Labels: Health.
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