Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weight Loss, Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes and Heart Disease.

I would like this blog to a resource for people who are searching for the right information about weight loss and obesity. My passion for this subject is fueled in part by my own personal struggle with weight. In high school I was a two sport athlete and in very good shape, but once I graduated and started college I partied to much and ate to much pizza. Before I knew it, I had ballooned up to about 240 lbs. In high school I weighed a lean 190, so putting on 50 lbs was quite a shock. To make a long story short, I moved from the midwest to Seattle to attend medical school and completely changed my diet and lifestyle. I lost all the weight and then some and have maintained it for many years. My personal experience has propelled me to help others lose weight and achieve all their health goals. I am also frustrated with all the poor information about weight loss and obesity. To many products and programs over promise and under deliver, which makes people more and more frustrated with their weight. The purpose of my blog is to give people unbiased, truthful information in regards to weight loss, metabolic syndrome, Diabetes and heart disease. Metabolic syndrome is the medical epidemic of the 21st century. It is estimated that approximately 100 million people in the US have metabolic syndrome. This is a frightening stat. Something needs to be done, but it seems that nothing is happening, so I have to get involved and make something happen. In my practice, I have helped many people lose weight, and I have learned what works. Below is an article I wrote that will hopefully provoke some questions and comments. Have a great day!

The Truth About Weight Loss By. Dr. Robert Maki Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Despite this huge market, many people struggle with programs and products that over promise and under deliver. People are left feeling frustrated and discouraged because their weight loss goals have not been met. The problem is that most of the information available today does not address the three major road blocks to weight loss:

Hormonal imbalance Neurotransmitter imbalance Food allergies The first major roadblock to weight loss is hormonal imbalance. The hormones that have a significant impact are estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, cortisol and insulin. Many people make several attempts to lose weight, but never seem to get lasting results. This lack of success can be attributed to an underlying imbalance that was never corrected. Eating small frequent meals will help balance hormones, but in some cases supplementation or medication may be necessary. Another roadblock to weight loss is neurotransmitter imbalance. These brain chemicals play a key role in appetite regulation. An imbalance will cause exaggerated cravings for refined carbohydrates, which will sabotage any attempt at dieting or losing weight. Reducing stress and supplementing with specific amino acids will balance neurotransmitters and reduce cravings for high-calorie foods. Finally, the last major road block to weight loss is food allergies. The most common allergenic foods are wheat and dairy. Wheat based products contain gluten and dairy contains a protein called casein. These foods are difficult for the body to digest and can cause symptoms like water retention, nasal allergies and digestive complaints making weight loss difficult. Identifying and eliminating food allergies is an easy way to lose five to ten pounds quickly. Losing weight is a complex biochemical process. If the three major roadblocks are not properly addressed, success will be limited. Stop wasting time and money on gimmicks that don t deliver and find a qualified practitioner that can help you achieve your weight loss goals..

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