Monday, April 14, 2008

More manager See Bad determines time Ahead

January. 17. 2008 (Business the investor Daily supplied of Newstex) — more money manager think die global economy, die already is, is in recession this a month, which is compared with last month, and one in five thinks that it happen in the following 12 months becomes According the Merrill, lynches you (NYSE:MER) (OOTC:MERIZ), overview of the global investor for January, 70% of answering think, which die global economy, from which 72% weaken to thrash in previous the month. The percentage of the economic Opportunisten also rose to 18% of 11%. But may the optimism it reflect the feeling which die global economy can go only above — 8% of answering thought that die economy in the recession, twice illustration of December war. Kw_percent think sixteen die economy is in the intermediary cycle, down of 21% last month. While that is 71% think the economic cycle in the last stages, down from 74% in December, die most this change is, because so much think we in one already recession are. The percentage, which think, which is probable world to enter into recession 19% think war, up from 13% in December Die number, a die global recession, is “very probable” bordered to 4% of 3%. Kw_view of the managers of the korporativen profits war nearly the same as in December. Seventy two thought, which die profit prospect would worsen to thrash, from 73% in December Die number, die think profited, percent receives more better developed to 15% of Those 14%., die see profits, die improves strongly, with 1% remained Die overview covered 195 fund business guidance with $671 billion in the values. Risk shyness, which die dark prognosis began to sink inside, there fund business guidance strategies changing. More of them — 42% — say they are overweight in cash positions in relation to their fixed points, up from 37% in December. The average cash position war 3,9%, down something of one December 4.0%. Something from that is, because more manager take the money inside its briefcases raise and down the average get, even as the more from them it assigns. Danger appetite is also down. While the percentage of the managers nearly, die constantly little-as-normal danger held with 45%, only somewhat lower than 46% of December, which takes those to more danger takes, until 9% of 12% sank. Another announcement danger of the appetite is cheapness loading Die overview bat 142 global mixing capital around its positions. Central cheapness loading has held constantly for die last months and strikes 54% in more October and falls on 51% the following month and the since 52% then reaching. But die capital, die, to 1% of 7% is went Die movement is competitive overweight to other ends of the spectrum, with the competitive underweight Kw_moving at 7% of 1% is nearly exactly communicated. Energy sector the promoted Thirty four, which is percent of the managers, were overweighted, up from 27% in December. Consumer staples returned also to preference. Zero-load in the sector went to 32% of 20%, during die underweights went to 12% of 19% of managers. But conceptions slow economy hit consumer arbitrary stocks. Six, which is percent of the managers, were overweight in the sector, down from 9% in December Fully 18% were competitive underweight, up from 13% the month before. Banks took hit, with 12% of fund business guidance overweight, down from 15%. Technology also lost out, as the 33% said they were overweight approximately. 46% last month and 15% were approximately underweight. 7%. Newstex identification: IBD-0001-22311869

Originally Daily 2008 publish version Business the investor in January the 17.

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